Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix

Prathamesh Krisang

How do you make nostalgia new?

How do you make nostalgia hip? Very few brands use the power of nostalgia. Because it is easier said than done.

To make it easy, try using the Classical / Modern Remix Design Technique as a brainstorming exercise.

Here are 5 real world examples of brands using it,

Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix
Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix
Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix
Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix
Design Pattern #28 : Classical / Modern Remix

Above examples were from the medieval ages.

Can you put your product in the hands of a western cowboy or an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh or an Indian king? Try it out, it’ll be fun.

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