Do you chase action or information?

Prathamesh Krisang

A wise man once said, show me your search results and I will show you where you will be 1 year from now.

If you are searching how to “get” something, chances are you will be at the same place 1 year from now.

If you are searching for how to “do” something, you will be much farther than your expected.

Don’t search for how to “get” sales. Search for how to “run” ads or “write” good copy or “craft” great offers.

Don’t search for how to “get” a high paying job. Search for how to “improve” your communication skills, “write” a resume, “network” with the right people.

Don’t search for how to get the “final result”, search for how to “execute” so that no one can stop you from getting the results you want.