Persuasive Visual Pattern #36: Spectrum

Prathamesh Krisang

A spectrum is a collection or range of different items, qualities, or values that are arranged in a specific order. It shows how these items vary or change from one end to another, providing a visual representation of their distribution or progression. Spectrums are used to understand the diversity and relationships between the elements within a particular context.

Here are some famous frameworks, models or methods that use Spectrum to visualize a concept:

Visible Light Spectrum

The visible light spectrum is the range of colors that our eyes can see. It goes from violet (short wavelength) to red (long wavelength). When these colors mix together, we get white light, and when there are no colors, we see black or darkness.

Pain Scale Spectrum

The pain scale is used in medical contexts to assess the intensity of pain experienced by patients. It presents a spectrum of pain levels from “No Pain” to “Worst Pain Possible.”

Risk Tolerance Spectrum Scale

This spectrum is used in financial planning to assess an individual’s willingness to take on risk. It ranges from “Conservative” to “Aggressive” based on their investment preferences.

Sound Frequency Spectrum

The sound frequency spectrum is a range of different pitches or tones that we can hear. It shows all the various frequencies of sound, from low to high, that our ears can detect. The lower frequencies are deeper and bass-like, while the higher frequencies are more like treble or high-pitched sounds.

Likert Scale

A Likert scale is a common survey tool that uses a spectrum of responses to measure people’s attitudes or opinions on a particular topic. Respondents select their level of satisfaction on a scale, often ranging from “Not at all Satisfied” to “Extremely Satisfied.”

Skill Level Spectrum

The skill level spectrum is a visual representation of different levels of expertise or proficiency in a particular skill or field. It shows the range from beginners with basic knowledge to masters with advanced abilities.


The Spectrum Visual Pattern helps us understand the diversity and distribution of elements within a specific context, making complex information more accessible. The spectrum model provides a structured way to categorize and compare different levels, degrees, or categories, making it easier to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between the elements being studied.

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