8 sins of a story-seller…

Prathamesh Krisang

☕“All I want to know is where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there”- Buffett and Munger

8 sins a storyseller must avoid…

  • The Wrong Context :
    An average story at the right time and place is better than a great story at a wrong time and place.
  • The Unclear Outcome :
    If you don’t tell me what’s in it for me, why should I care to take action?
  • The Unclear Action :
    If you don’t tell people what to do. They will do nothing.
  • Time Delay:
    How much time do I need to invest before I get the outcome?
  • Efforts & Sacrifice:
    How much physical & mental effort do I need to take to get the outcome?
  • Breaking Out Of Routine :
    Do I need to break out of my existing routine to perform the required action?
  • Likelihood Of Achievement :
    Do I believe it is possible to achieve the desired outcome you are promising?
  • Financial Risk:
    How much money do I need to give upfront before I get to see the outcome?