Persuasive Visual Pattern #34: Canvas

Prathamesh Krisang

Canvas Visual Pattern generally refers to a visual tool or template that provides a structured format for capturing and organizing information related to a specific concept or idea. It offers a way to visualize and represent various components, relationships, and considerations within that concept. Canvases are often used to facilitate brainstorming, analysis, planning, and decision-making processes.

Several famous frameworks, models, and methods use a Canvas Visual Pattern to structure ideas. Here are a few well-known examples:

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas, developed by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur, is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool used to visualize and develop business models. It consists of nine key elements, including customer segments, value proposition, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key activities, key resources, key partnerships, and cost structure. The canvas provides a holistic view of a business and helps identify opportunities for innovation and optimization.

Lean Canvas

The Lean Canvas is a variation of the Business Model Canvas that is specifically designed for startups and entrepreneurs. It focuses on capturing the essential aspects of a business idea in a concise format. The Lean Canvas includes key elements such as problem, solution, unique value proposition, key metrics, channels, revenue streams, cost structure, and unfair advantage. It helps entrepreneurs quickly iterate and refine their business models.

Value Proposition Canvas

The Value Proposition Canvas, also developed by Alexander Osterwalder, is a tool used to design and improve the value proposition of a product or service. It helps businesses understand the needs, desires, and challenges of their target customers and align their value proposition accordingly. The canvas consists of two sections: the customer profile (jobs, gains, and pains) and the value map (products/services, pain relievers, and gain creators).

Empathy Map

The Empathy Map is a visualization tool used to develop a deeper understanding of customers or users. It helps teams empathize with their target audience by capturing their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and needs.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of using the Empathy Map canvas:

  1. Start with the Goal section:
  • Identify the subject of the Empathy Map (e.g., a specific customer segment, persona, or user).
  • Define a goal that they need to achieve, framed as an observable behavior (e.g., “Make a purchase,” “Sign up for a newsletter,” “Submit a support ticket”).
  1. Work clockwise around the canvas:
  • Seeing: Describe what the subject sees in their environment. This includes physical objects, people, or any visual cues that influence their experience.
  • Saying: Capture the words or phrases the subject might express out loud. This includes what they might say about their needs, frustrations, desires, or preferences.
  • Doing: Note the actions or behaviors the subject engages in. This includes observable actions related to their goal or related tasks.
  • Hearing: Identify the information or messages the subject hears from others. This includes feedback, recommendations, opinions, or conversations they encounter.

Customer Journey Canvas

The Customer Journey Canvas is a powerful tool that paints a vivid picture of the entire experience a customer goes through when they interact with a product or service. It breaks down each stage of their journey, from the initial awareness to the final purchase and beyond. By understanding the customer’s emotions, thoughts, and pain points at each step, businesses can identify opportunities for improvement and deliver a seamless and delightful experience that keeps customers coming back for more. It’s like having a treasure map that guides businesses towards creating meaningful and lasting connections with their customers.

Service Model Canvas

The Service Model Canvas is a user-friendly tool that helps businesses craft and analyze their service offerings. It breaks down the essential components of a service, like the target customers, what makes the service valuable to them, how it reaches them, and how it generates revenue. By using this canvas, businesses gain a comprehensive understanding of their service and can make smart decisions to improve and deliver exceptional experiences to their customers. It’s like a detailed roadmap that leads to a well-designed and successful service.

Story Telling Canvas

The Storytelling Canvas is a tool used to design captivating and impactful stories. It helps create a clear structure for crafting narratives that connect with the audience emotionally, providing a solid foundation for successful storytelling. By mapping out key elements such as the subject, goal, audience, emotional rollercoaster, and call to action, it guides teams in developing engaging stories that people care to listen to.


These frameworks, models, and methods that use Canvas Visual Pattern provide a visual and structured approach to understanding, designing, and communicating various aspects of a business or concept. They encourage collaboration, ideation, and effective decision-making by capturing and organizing key information in a visual format.

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