The Power of Perception: 8 Ways how Density Illusion can boost your brand

Prathamesh Krisang

Density illusion refers to the psychological phenomenon where people perceive an object or space to be larger or smaller than it actually is based on the surrounding elements and context.

How to Leverage Density Illusion in Marketing, Sales, Branding, Design & Advertising:

1. Optical Illusions in Packaging Design

Make your product look larger or smaller than it actually is through creative packaging design. Use optical illusions, such as trompe l’oeil or forced perspective, to create the illusion of size, making a smaller product look larger and vice versa. This can also create a sense of value and quality, leading to increased sales.

Example: A snack brand creates a packaging design that uses forced perspective to make the snack bag appear larger than it actually is. The snack bag is positioned in such a way that it appears to be overflowing with snacks, creating a sense of value and abundance for the consumer.

2. Create a Sense of Space with Minimalist Design

Use minimalist design to create the illusion of space in small areas. By eliminating clutter and focusing on the essentials, you can create the perception of more space and a sense of openness, leading to increased engagement and sales.

Example: A clothing retailer uses minimalist design in its window displays, showcasing one item of clothing on a plain white background with minimal accessories. This creates a clean and spacious look, making the clothing item the focal point and drawing the attention of passing customers.

3. Play with Proportions

Manipulate the visual weight of elements to create an illusion of density. By making some elements larger or smaller, you can alter the perceived density of a design. This can be used to highlight important information or create a visual hierarchy.

Example: A website design places the main call to action in a large font, making it the focal point of the page. By making this element larger than the surrounding text, the designer creates a visual hierarchy that emphasizes the importance of the call to action.

4. Use Overlapping Elements

Overlap design elements to create a sense of depth and dimension. When elements overlap, they create a sense of depth and suggest that there’s more to the design than what’s visible on the surface. This can be used to create a dense and dynamic look.

Example: A music festival poster that uses overlapping illustrations and typography to create a lively and crowded atmosphere.

5. Emphasize Color Contrast

Highlight areas of interest by using high-contrast colors. By using high-contrast colors, you can draw attention to specific areas of a design and create an illusion of density. This is especially effective when used in combination with other density illusion techniques.

Example: A billboard advertisement uses high-contrast colors to make the message stand out. The advertisement features a blue background with white text, with the main message in bright red. This creates a visual impact that draws the viewer’s attention to the most important information, the main message.

6. Add Shadows and Shading

Create a sense of depth and dimension by using shadows and shading. Shadows and shading can be used to give elements a sense of volume and suggest that they exist in three dimensions. This can be used to create an illusion of density and make designs look more tangible.

Example: A landing page for a furniture company features images of furniture pieces with shadows and shading to give them a sense of volume and suggest that they exist in three dimensions. The furniture images are placed against a neutral-toned background, which creates a clean and sophisticated design.

7. Create a Busy Background

Fill your background with patterns, textures, and elements to create a dense and engaging design. A busy background can make a design look more densely packed and give it a sense of energy and movement. This can be used to create an engaging and lively look.

Example: A university brochure features a busy background filled with images of students engaged in various activities, such as studying, playing sports, and participating in clubs. The busy background gives the brochure a sense of energy and movement, making it appealing and interesting to prospective students and their families.

8. Surround with Negative Space

The idea of surrounding an object with negative space refers to creating a visual background with empty or open areas around the object. This technique enhances the perception of an object’s density and makes it appear more prominent, bold, and eye-catching.

Example: An online fashion retailer showcases a statement piece of jewelry on a black background, surrounded by negative space. The negative space serves to enhance the perception of the jewelry’s density and make it stand out, drawing the eye and creating a strong and memorable product image.

There are several cognitive biases that are similar to the density illusion,

Some of the most notable ones include:

Von Restorff Effect: The Von Restorff effect, also known as the isolation effect, states that items that stand out distinctly from a group are more likely to be remembered.

Gestalt Laws of Perception: The Gestalt laws of perception are a set of principles that describe how the human brain organizes visual information. They include the law of similarity, law of proximity, law of closure, law of figure-ground, and law of symmetry.

Principle of Proximity: The principle of proximity states that objects that are close to each other tend to be perceived as a group, regardless of their similarities or differences.


“The Von Restorff Effect: How to Make Your Content Stand Out” by Neil Patel (

“Gestalt Principles of Perception: How We Perceive the World Around Us” by Sarah Abboud (

“The Power of Proximity in Design” by Cameron Chapman (

“How the Density Illusion Can Improve Your Design” by Cameron Chapman (

“Design Principles: The Von Restorff Effect” by Fabio Sergio ( “The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding” by Neil Patel ( “The Importance of Proximity in Web Design” by Adam Connell ( “The Gestalt Principles of Design: Creating Balance in Your Designs” by David Travis (