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Writing online is thinking in public

Writing online is "thinking in public". As a founder, nothing gives you more perspective than how others interpret your thoughts. It is one thing to…
Prathamesh Krisang
Write to Leverage

How to write for yourself while adding value to others?

The internet is filled with advice for how to write for others. But rarely does anyone talk about writing for yourself. And how to turn…
Prathamesh Krisang
Write to Leverage
Small white house and a decorative key on a dark background. Concept - real estate purchase, sale, gift, rent.

The Power of Possession: 9 Ways to leverage the Endowment Effect in marketing

The endowment effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when individuals assign more value to an object or service simply because they own it or…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases
Move forward, overcoming an obstacle. On contrary, opposite, One not like other, Contrarian, be against the trend and be non-conformist

Backfire Effect: 7 Ways to use the Power of Counter Argument in marketing

The backfire effect refers to the phenomenon where people's beliefs become more strongly held after they are challenged with counter-evidence. In other words, attempting to…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases

11 Ways to get them hop on the Bandwagon

This is the idea that people are more likely to do something if they believe that many others are already doing it. In marketing, sales,…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases
piece of paper with text Keep It Simple on the background of books, pens, on a white background

12 Ways to break the Curse of Knowledge

The curse of knowledge bias refers to the idea that people who are experts in a certain field or have a lot of knowledge about…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases

7 Ways to tap into the power of Projection Bias to drive conversions and boost engagement

Projection bias refers to the tendency for people to assume that others think, feel, or behave similarly to themselves. This bias can play a significant…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases
close up of calendar and clock on green background, planning for business meeting or travel planning concept

8 ways to master the Planning Fallacy

The planning fallacy bias refers to the tendency for people to underestimate the time, cost, and resources needed to complete a task. This bias leads…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases

9 ways to tap into the Power of Positive Thinking

The optimism bias refers to the tendency for people to overestimate their ability to control events, the likelihood of good things happening to them, and…
Prathamesh Krisang
Cognitive Biases