Shape your customer’s identity or leverage it

Prathamesh Krisang

As an entrepreneur, you have 2 goals. Get the customer and keep the customer. And both are deeply connected with the “identity” of your customers.

  • Getting the customers requires you to grab your customer’s attention. And then position your brand as the perfect solution for them.
  • Keeping your customers requires you to get them into a habit of using your products & services again and again.

Humans are creatures of habit. Habits are simply actions we take on a repeat basis. And as James Clear says in his book Atomic Habits, “The key to building lasting habits is focusing on creating a new identity first. Your current behaviors are simply a reflection of your current identity. What you do now is a mirror image of the type of person you believe that you are (either consciously or subconsciously).”

Habits come from who you believe you are. Your identity. If you believe you are a smoker, you will have a hard time quitting. But if you believe you are a fit person, your mind will force you to act accordingly and not crave for another smoke.

So you meta-goal as an entrepreneur becomes understand the current identity of your customers and the identity they aspire to become.

Understand who they believe they are. If the idea about who they believe they are is conflicting with what you are offering, no amount of selling will help.

That’s why brands like Apple & Nike pour millions of dollars to shape what their customers should feel like when they buy their product. Or rather what kind of customers should buy their product.

This is easy to do for passionate creators & entrepreneurs who obsessively care about their audience / customers.

How to understand the identity of your customers?

Ask yourself,

  • Who do they believe they are? What is their internal self talk? (1. I’m only a manager hired to do what I’m asked. Or 2. I’m building up reputation for myself in this industry.)
  • What are tendencies of such people? (1. Complacent, satisfied with the way things are. Or 2. Ambitious, growth mindset)
  • What are their habits? (1. Does what is asked from him. Focuses on efforts rather than results. Or 2. Thinks, how can I do my job better? What other skills should I develop? Focuses on results rather than efforts.)
  • What are the patterns/outcomes they create as a result of those habits? (1. Keeps job hopping. Or 2. Keeps getting new opportunities. Networks with people. Creates content.)

Then talk about your offer from their perspective.

Would love to know how this works for you. Cheers!