Why does written communication work better with remote teams?
Here are some techniques & psychological patterns at work,
Technique 1 : Request your team to create their own tasks instead of you giving them. Why?
Generation Effect : People tend to remember information generated from their own mind rather than simply read.
Technique 2 : If you haven’t yet. Ask your teams to start documenting processes. Why?
Well Traveled Road Effect : People tend to perceive the time taken to go through a journey as shorter if they are familiar with it.
Technique 3 : Ask your team about what they are going to achieve instead of telling them. Why?
Self Consistency Bias : People want to stay consistent with their opinions, attitudes and beliefs.
Technique 4 : Just get everyone to write. As simple as that. Why?
Cue Dependent Forgetting : People tend to forget important information without a memory cue. Writing creates a cue for you to go back and take a look if you have forgotten anything.