Notes To Self

Businessman attracts money with a large magnet

Becoming an opportunity magnet

No matter what point in your career you are,
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Boy draws with a brush an abstract big light bulb. Concept of innovation and creativity

Avoiding creative constipation

In a world full of consumers, a creator always wins. And those who ship their work, win big time. In 2022, only 1% on LinkedIn…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Landing Page Optimization on Modern Illustation. with Green Arrow and Hand Drawn Icons Around. Landing Page Optimization Drawn on White Brick Wall. Illustration with Doodle Design Icons. 3D.

Dummy’s guide to high-converting landing pages

I have worked on building around 2000+ product pages & landing pages as a marketer in my career in last 12 years. With a mixed…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Storytelling is a learnable skill

A friend, who is a developer and a founder, thinks he cannot tell stories. But now that he needs to get customers, he's desperate to…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Creative concept. Creator. Visual contents.

The Rise of Context Creators in the Age of AI

The world today does not need "content creators"... But there is a better career option for content creators... If you are terrified about the power…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Wanna get hired? Learn to write!

Unpopular Opinion: We filter out candidates who cannot articulate their thoughts in writing. It is our Number #1 criteria. Even above work experience. The level…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Road sign direction on desert.

Do you chase action or information?

A wise man once said, show me your search results and I will show you where you will be 1 year from now. If you…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

My 2 rules for written communication

My 2 rules for writing for myself (while journaling my thoughts) and communicating with the team, Rule #1 : Spend a lot of time figuring…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Integrating insights with your world-view

How often do you take conscious efforts to shift your world view? Everytime you have an epiphany or a flash of insight - while you're…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self