Notes To Self

The greatest nudge

A NUDGE is anything that motivates your users to take an action. It can be those guiding lines painted on floor of your parking lot,…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
What's your story.Text title on film slate.

A product without a story is like a body without a soul

Almost Every SaaS Founder : "We have the most amazing product in the world. We spent last 3 years developing it. People fall in love…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Chatting concept. Message bubbles floating of a laptop, simulating an online conversation. Unrecognizable model.

Why every remote team should abolish calls & have a culture of written communication?

Why does written communication work better with remote teams? Here are some techniques & psychological patterns at work, Technique 1 : Request your team to…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Shape your customer’s identity or leverage it

As an entrepreneur, you have 2 goals. Get the customer and keep the customer. And both are deeply connected with the "identity" of your customers.…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Consume Less, Create More

We're spending more time consuming than creating. Here's the law of hyper-connected internet world. Those who create & multiply, generate wealth. Those who consume, help…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Blackboard Business Strategy Concept

Feeling bogged down by content creation? Do this…

It is easy to write that email to a specific client or a friend than it is to write content for a generic audience. Even…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Head and gears with Upskill text and arrow

How to put your existing skills on steroids?

Learn online selling. How? Learn persuasion. Learn it via, Why? Copywriting is the 20% skill that'll give you 80% results. Basics of design will boost…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Searching for Value , Looking For Value , Magnifying Glass Search Value

Cracking the Code of Value Content

Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Pensive thoughtful contemplating caucasian young man thinking about future, planning new startup looking upwards isolated in white background

A step-by-step process to RAPIDLY create good content

Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self