Notes To Self

Empathy in Practice: Observing Actions, Understanding Motives

Empathy is a muscle, you can develop it. People may be inconsistent with what they SAY, but they are surprisingly consistent with what they DO.…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

What is better than a feedback?

When I ask people for feedback, for some reason, they go into ‘problem finding’ mode. Or they paint it with their "opinion". I found a…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self
Sticky note on concrete wall, Keep it simple

Cut through Jargon: Keep it simple

My allergy to "jargons" seems to be getting worse as I am getting older. The most important things that you want to communicate can be…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

The best way to clear muddled water…

"The best way to clear muddled water is to leave it alone." - Alan Watts The hustle culture at work nowadays has started to make…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Insights vs. Opinions

There are 2 types of people. Those with insights and those with opinions. Those with opinions will keep repeating the same generalized statements. Will listen…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

The simplest way to write stories

A character >> is put into a situation >> faces a problem >> then takes an action >> that leads to consequences >> that creates…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Lack of confidence can be healthy

Like everyone I have my bouts of lacking confidence and having self doubt. All the time. In everything I did, be it selling, marketing, business…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

4 Principles Of Resilience

When it comes to building a business or career that survives and thrives through tough times, you need to look at the world from a…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self

Asking high quality questions

Why does everyone get frustrated with marketers and people engaged in growth activities? Because all things marketing, sales & growth operate on a spectrum and…
Prathamesh Krisang
Notes To Self